List of publications - 2003


Haque R, Bin-Hafeez B, Parvez S, Pandey S, Sayeed I, Ali M , Raisuddin S, (2003). Aqueous extract of Walnut (JuglansRegia L.) protects mice against of cyclophosphamide toxicity. Hum Exp Toxicol.,  22(9):473-480  (I.F. 2.903)


Bin-Hafeez B, Haque R, Parvez S, Pandey S, Sayeed I, Raisuddin S. (2003). Immunomodulatory effects of fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum- graecumL.) extract in mice. Int Immunopharmacol.,  3(2):257-265 (I.F. 4.932)


Parvez S, Sayeed I, Pandey S, Ahmad A, Bin-Hafeez B, Haque R, Ahmad I, Raisuddin S. (2003). Modulatory effect of copper on non-enzymatic antioxidants in freshwater fish Channapunctatus (Bloch). Biol Trace Elem Res.,  93(1-3):237-248  (I.F. 3.738)


Sayeed I, Parvez S, Pandey S, Bin-Hafeez B, Haque R, Raisuddin S. (2003). Oxidative stress biomarkers of exposure to deltamethrin in freshwater fish, Channapunctatus Bloch. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf., 56(2):295-301 (I.F. 6.291)


Pandey S, Parvez S, Sayeed I, Haque R Bin-Hafeez B, Raisuddin S. (2003). Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress: A Comparative Study of River Yamuna Fish Wallagoattu (Bl. &Schn.). Sci Total Environ., 309(1-3):105-115 (I.F. 7.963)